Practical and inspired coaching for heart-centered small business owners struggling to envision, strategize, set up, brand, monetize and follow through on creating a thriving and fulfilling business.

for a FREE Vision Activator Coaching Session.

Have you ever …

  • been so overwhelmed by the minutia of your business life that you forgot why you even started your business? You spend more time doing the books, the marketing, the laundry, the secritarial work than delivering your unique gift to your clients and customers.

  • been focused and busy for weeks yet the priorities aren’t getting addressed?

  • found yourself having to learn technology and skills that are not in your genius zone and getting stuck or procrastinating?

  • wish you had someone to share your challenges with? You want more than a pat on the back and need solid advice and tactical guidance.

  • woken up with a solid plan to seize the day but somehow ended up on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching a movie?

  • felt like your imaginary glass ceiling is quite real and is holding you back from your true potential? Like there’s a flaw in your approach on a subconscious level that’s creating extra walls for you to climb? You put in the time, you market, you get yourself out there but the money is just barely trickling in.

Entrepreneurship can be a rough and lonely journey

Having an enthusiastic, supportive, knowledgeable coach can help you dream bigger and achieve your heart’s desires, reignite your vision, help you overcome your fears, doubts and confusion, and be your accountability buddy, cheerleader and sounding board.

Designer by day, healer by night …

As a professional graphic designer/brand specialist working 10 years in an agency, then 6 years as a freelancer on one hand, and energy healer on the other, I’ve struggled with my personal identity and professional path for years. Having kept my two worlds completely apart, I wanted to consolidate a 16 year career where the design paid the bills and the healing work fueled my heart. I yearned to live my life purpose and get well compensated for it. I’ve struggled with money blocks, lack of clarity, self doubt, fears of being judged, changing technology, entrepreneurship, business, burnout, all while being a caregiver for my now 98 year old granny.

Anyone who has been a caregiver for an aging relative knows you gain mad skills of patience and experience plenty of mental, emotional and even physical breakdowns trying to keep it all together. Grandma Olga has been my biggest teacher in what it takes to remain strong in the eye of a storm, stay focused and organized, be a stellar project manager, reach out for help when stuck, and call people on their incongruence when needed.


My passion:

help you thrive while doing what you love

It was a coach who helped me have the eureka moment I’ve been desperately searching for. How do I combine my seemingly unrelated skill sets? The answer was that my skills are the perfect match to help business owners master psychology while receiving solid design and marketing advice. I’m proud to be a coach, consultant and healer. What followed was 2 years of researching and learning the trades of coaching, consulting, marketing, copywriting and product creation, attending live events, webinars and coaching sessions, and reading books to solidify my own skill set.

The Born Abundant Coaching Program was developed out of my passion to help people master themselves on multiple levels so they can thrive doing what they love.

Upgrade your mental software or be left behind

As an entrepreneur you must wear every hat in your business or know how to competently hire or outsource. Technology, trends and modes of communications are changing rapidly and require you to be up to speed. You’ve upgraded the computers and software, fine-tuned the operations, you may have a stand up desk to get rid of back pain. But have you updated your mental software so you can fiercely charge forward without getting hung up in old mental programming that’s sabotaging your growth, success and ability to create your dream life now? This is where the Born Abundant Coaching Program shines: the mental debugging and upgrades have catapulted my clients from stagnation onto a new path of clarity, passion, self-acceptance and therefore, profits!

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The 5 key mistakes entrepreneurs make that sabotage their success:


1. They think they can do it all. Running a successful business requires proficiency in many skills and nobody is a genius at everything.
2. Not dealing with psychological roadblocks like fears, doubts, insecurities and scarcity mindset. This unconscious programming runs their lives from behind the scenes.
3. Working in a vacuum. Even introverts need social connection and inspiration.

4. Assuming that if you build it, they will come. Smart marketing is the foundation of a successful business.
5. Creating a to-do list they can’t manage. Learning how to build schedules, set realistic expectations and organize for success short and long term is key. Otherwise burnout or failure may be the result.

The Born Abundant Coaching Program

In this 5-step methodology you will:

Gain clarity on your vision and direction.
Strategize your actions. Be positioned for success short & long term.
Upgrade your skills.
Optimize your environment for inspired productivity.
Master the psychology of abundance.

This 3- or 6-month program comes with training, coaching, checklists, exercises, summaries, tips and action guides.

Why so long? It takes time to instill new habits, move on large projects, learn skills and implement concepts. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your business. You’re in it for the long term, as am I, as your sidekick. Yet the program is structured to take minimal time on your end: a call a week is all that's needed to jump start your creativity, teach you a new skill, debug a few unsupportive mental programs and address your current needs. Then the implementation is up to you, on your own schedule. And you have access to me via email whenever you need.

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This is more than a coaching program.

It’s a 1:1 co-creative process that’s custom tailored to your present situation, desires and challenges

The program includes lessons and training on mindset mastery, keeping you congruent to your highest potential, healing work if you choose to take me up on it and plenty of camaraderie so you don’t have to walk this road alone. I’ll also toss in a few value packed bonuses if you choose to work with me.

Why hire a coach?

Whether you hire me to help you on your business journey or another coach, know that the investment that you make is in Yourself. This is because the inspired actions you will take, the transformations you will have, the clarity you will develop, the challenges you will overcome will catapult you into a new you. You know you’ve got a bigger potential, a bigger dream, a passion to make this world a better place. Coaching can help you spread your wings and live your bigger vision for yourself, your loved ones, your community and the world. While I can’t promise you’ll instantly make millions of dollars, I can guarantee that you will learn, grow and be positioned for success when you have a dedicated coach by your side.

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Take the first step.

Sign up for a FREE Vision Activator Coaching Session below where we will:

1. Create a crystal clear vision for positioning your business for ultimate success

2. Uncover hidden challenges that may be holding you back from financial breakthroughs you deserve

3. Leave the session renewed, energized and inspired to create the lifestyle of your dreams this year.

Yes, I’ll take you up on the FREE
Vision Activator Coaching Session!